
how to open kiwi shoe polish

  Kiwi shoe polish is a tremendous company that produces the best quality shoe care products. The company has been operating for over 125 years and has been using time-honored traditions to produce their high-quality products! They are also known for their dedication to helping other veterans find work. Here is a look at how Kiwi shoe polish can help you rejuvenate your shoes . How to Open Kiwi Shoe Polish? Image source: https://www.amazon.in/ Just like opening any other container, the first step to using Kiwi shoe polish is to make sure the container is ready for opening. To do this, turn the cap counter clockwise until you see it loosen. Then open the lid carefully and make sure that there has been no damage or leaking of any kind with the top of the container. In order for the polish to work properly and last long, you must make sure that the polish is unhurt when you use it. Once you have opened the container of Kiwi shoe polish, there is next step to do which is to check i

how to measure your foot for shoe size

  How to measure your foot for shoe size Measuring your feet for a new pair of shoes can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple. All you need is a measuring tape and pen.  Image source: https://www.dsw.com/ The first step is to measure your foot length from the heel to the tip of your big toe, which may require assistance if you have difficulty bending over or cannot reach.  Image source: https://www.macys.com/ Remember not to measure your feet while they are standing on tiptoes or while they are completely flat on the floor. The second measurement you will need is just below the ball of one's foot (where one's toes meet), without any pressure being applied. Image source: https://www.overstock.com/ If you are purchasing children's shoes, it is important to measure their foot length. The same measurement under different shoe styles will indicate a different size.  Image source: https://www.vans.com/ This is because shoes are made using different las